Web Resources Relevant to FPGA Oberon System.

On this page I will focus on boards and resources related to the FPGA Oberon System On Chip, as well as the Risk boards. Only occasionally I will touch upon other Oberon implementations running under the consumer grade operating systems.

Books and Articles.

FPGA Boards Which Can Run the FPGA Oberon System.

Obviously, the Risk boards were designed to run the FPGA Oberon System. But there are other boards which can do the same. Choosing the board is a tricky matter. You should consider the amount of RAM (more is better, but one megabyte may be enough), its type (ASRAM, ZBT, or DRAM), whether or not you have a memory controller (not trivial for DRAM, but ZBT can also be tricky), and the kind of networking which you may need. The cost of the board should be the last on the list, unless you are planning to resell many of those.

Software Resources.

  • The original 2013 FPGA Oberon System provides a full software development system: compiler, loader, run time, as well as example applications. The software was written in Oberon-07.

  • A version of the original System was modified to run on the Pepino board.

  • The Extended Oberon System is a significant enhancement of the original version. (Right-click and use a separate window to open this link.) It also provides a full software development system, closely following the original. Due to many enhancements, this version is not backward compatible with the original. This version implements the Revised Oberon-2, which is a superset of Oberon-07.

    Caveat: Andreas distributes his own SD card image, which you can download from his github site. I presume his disk image is reflecting his new developments described in the EOS_news. If this is the first time you are installing the Extended Oberon, it will be prudent to compare the content of the SD image against the EOS news. Later down the road you only need to overwrite those files which have been mentioned in the EOS news. Do not rely on the file creation dates because Andreas always overwrites ALL his files.

  • A Module Reference lists all the module dependencies on one another. The modules are provided with a color-coded syntax which makes it significantly easier to read the source code. Cursor highliting is used to trace the variables in the source. All the language elements (procedures, constants, etc.) are cross-referenced on this page among the modules.

  • GitHub repository by Tomas Kral provides a collection of Oberon System developments for the 2013 FPGA Oberon System. A net server for FPGA Oberon 2013 workstations is particularly interesting. It runs on RPi 4 over the mesh of nRF24L01 wireless modules. It can be particularly useful for student projects or for development of local area small DAQ systems. Other developments include 4-bit color modules enhancing the original B/W system.

  • Astrobe for RISC5 is a free Windows IDE which enables you to program embedded software using the Oberon-2 language. The applications execute on an embedded real-time subset of the Project Oberon Operating System running on a Xilinx FPGA development board.

Reference websites and designs.

  • Modula & Oberon Wirthians Community is the Facebook page where human beings of Wirthian descent (not to be confused with those of Ape's descent) publish their newest projects and achievements. It is definitely the place worth watching and subscribing to.

  • Oberon V4 for Linux and sources for different Oberon V4 implementations, by Bernhard Treutwein and Friends. This may be your best shot to run the V4 under X-Windows on Linux.

  • Oberon RTS, subtitled Embedded Oberon for Real-time Systems. It is an impressive collection of information assembled by Gray Raven. This work is in progress. There are many original concepts on the website. The code repository is available on github. Worth studying in detail.

  • Integrated Oberon by Charles Perkins departs from Wirth's Project Oberon by introducing features and capabilities to Oberon, taken from other systems. This work is in progress, whose starting point was Extended Oberon System mentioned earlier. There are many original concepts on the website. Worth studying in detail.

  • Why Hardware and System Simulation is a Game-Changer in Embedded Development has nothing to do with Oberon. It is a commercial infotainment article by Wind River.(You will need to sign up to receive this article.) It is interesting in the context of Oberon emulators, which IMHO have much greater value than the Oberon community is realizing. The Wind River article can perhaps provide some motivation to the Oberon emulator developers to continue their magnificent work.

  • Component Pascal Collection is a very comprehensive website of the high quality software written in Component Pascal, a descendant of Oberon-2. I particularly recommend a comprehensive mathematical library developed by Robert Campbell under an unassuming name Chill. In this library you will find virually everything you need for algebra and digital signal processing with impressive graphical displays. I also recommend my own waveform graphics named Gr, and Persistent Object Manager POM. This website is a "must read" for any Oberon developer.

  • Catalog of resources related with Oberon programming language provides information and web pointers to projects related to programming languages Oberon, Oberon-2, Active Oberon, Modula-2/3, Oberon-07 and Component Pascal (which can be named "Blackbox Oberon"). This website is a "must visit" for any Oberon developer.

  • Summary of Oberon System implementations provides screenshots and installation instructions of graphically rich versions of the Oberon System. I recommend visiting this website to see many amazing applications developed under the System 3 branch of Oberon System.

Misc Resources.

  • FPGA Oberon software was written in Oberon-07, using a highly professional coding style which... how to say it gently... could benefit from some beautification. Oberon-2 Beautifier can be downloaded from Linz University, a former home of Oberon System V4, 3rd line under Tools. Note: The beautifier should have been included with Linz V4 distribution, but I do not see it among the tools in my V4 installation. Perhaps it needs be downloaded separately.

  • FPGA Oberon firmware is written in Verilog, using a highly professional coding style which could also benefit from beautification. Verilog can be beautified with a commercial SlickEdit 15-day trial. Note: I have not used it yet.

  • FPGA Oberon System firmware was written in Verilog, but application firmware could be written in VHDL. The VHDL Beautifier & Formatter can beautify and format your VHDL code online. Note: I have not used it yet.

  • A list of free formatters and beautifiers was compiled in 2017. Note: I have not used them yet.

Academic coursework.

  • FPGA Oberon System is used at ETH Zurich for the System Construction most recently taught by Felix Friedrich with Paul Reed. Some coding examples and the course synopsis can be downloaded from the same website. The collection of slides and course assignments is available from the download repository.

Wiki Book on Oberon.

Oberon family of computing systems with a focus on technicalities is described in a Oberon Wikibook maintained by peter@easthope.ca.

Mailing list.

Oberon mailing list is very lively and well informed. Any serious Oberon developer is strongly encouraged to join the list.

Contact us for more info

Updated Sept/09/2023.
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