What is B2? | Physicist's view of B2 | Programmer's view of B2

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Extensible framework for Nuclear Physics data analysis

What is B2?

B2 is an object-oriented extensible data analysis system implemented under Oberon System V4 environment. B2 was designed for efficient analysis of data from multidetector Nuclear Physics experiments. Other application areas, such as spectroscopy, are also possible. The system can be used either as a histogramming and display subroutine library, or as a component framework for developing complete acquisition and analysis systems. Persistent object management, histogramming library, routing of experimental data packets, abstract data processing components, and interactive graphical display, all were implemented in Oberon-2 in fewer than 3000 executable statements. The software is portable between common operating platforms for which Oberon System V4 is available: Windows/Windows NT, MacOS, and several Unix flavors.

The reader may be familiar with other analysis systems such as PAW, ROOT, LISA, Smaug/Xamine, or Python. Compared with other software, B2 is tiny, easy to maintain and to modify, modular, and run-time extensible. Originally I wrote B2 in 1996-1998 because I always needed such a tool, and I could not find it anywhere. Recently I dusted it off with the plan to port it to the FPGA Oberon System and run it on the FPGA, after necessary modifications.

Is B2 portable?

B2 has been designed and programmed under ETH Oberon System V4-0.9 for Linux. The whole B2 software used to be portable by recompilation to any Oberon System V4 (Windows, Mac, PowerMac, Amiga, and Unix systems including AIX, DECStation, HP/UX, SiliconGraphics, and Sun). Most of these platforms do not exist anymore in 2020. B2 should still run under both Linux and Windows versions of V4. I plan to port it to the FPGA Oberon.

Physicist's view of B2

Analysing data from multidetector Nuclear Physics experiments always takes longer than expected. Sometimes it may even take years. Modern detector devices produce gigabytes of data per experiment.
  1. The devices are hierarchically structured into smaller units. For example, the Superball was divided into sectors, and every sector was equipped with a number of phototubes. The Miniball was likewise divided into rings, each ring was further divided into detector units, and each unit provideed three different (but not independent) electronic signals.
  2. Other than the above characteristcs, different devices seem to have almost nothing in common with one another (e.g., signals coming from the Superball were vastly different from those coming from the Miniball or from particle telescopes). Every device imposes its own set of rules and its own interpretation of its data.
  3. Experiments are performed in the "event-by-event" mode, which means signals from every nuclear interaction "event" are digitized and processed separately from other interaction "events".
  4. The devices are operated in coincidence with one another. (E.g., neutron information from Superball and charged particle (CP) information from Miniball were processed together, for every interaction event). The most valuable information is contained in correlations among data from separate devices. (E.g., correlations of neutron and CP multiplicities, or a correlation of neutron and CP transverse energies.)
Experimental data stream cannot be treated as a simple uncorrelated union (i.e., cartesian product) of data coming from different detectors or from different subsystems. Quite the opposite, the most important information is contained in correlations. Given the number of signals (roughly proportional to the number of individual detectors) one has to explore potential correlations in a multidimensional space, where "multi" may go up to hundreds. It is therefore not surprising that data analysis often becomes a bottleneck. Improvements of data analysis techniques are thus worth careful consideration.

This paragraph was originally written ca 1997. The situation has changed since then. A quick look at software packages currently in use in various nuclear physics labs reveals a curious fact: while experimental hardware is highly specialized and sophisticated, data analysis software seems to be rather unspecialized. The most common tools for reaction studies are one-dimensional and two-dimensional histograms, combined with two-dimensional selection contours. Ability to plot one and two dimensional matrices in different graphical representations belongs more to the domain of data presentation than to data analysis. Lack of support for data structures other than matrices was largely due to technical limitations of Fortran-77, which is still the main programming language in experimental physics. In 2020 Fortran 77 has disappeared. Either Python or C++ are often used for data analysis. The latter is often used within ROOT.

Due to its object-oriented foundations, the B2 framework provides means to better structure the data analysis. The B2 architecture is similar to concepts known from modular electronics. A data analysis package hosted by the B2 framework is programmed as a collection of user-supplied Soft Processor units managed by a common data-transmission Bus. Processors can be connected to and disconnected from the Bus. B2 system specifies rules of interfacing Processor modules to the Bus and among themselves. Conformance to this specification enables Processors to exchange data over the Bus. It also promotes reusability of Processor modules.

Processors can be either simple Processors corresponding to individual detector modules (such as particle telescopes), or composite Processors corresponding to collections of individual detectors. Composite Processors are capable of containing other Processors (either simple or composite) and of distributing packets of data to their subordinate Processors. In such a way, arbitrary data packages can be routed to arbitrary Processors, combined into a network of arbitrary topology. Highly segmented experimental hardware can be thus rendered in software in entirely natural fashion.

These two concepts (smart data structures and user-defined Processors) can be combined together to yield software analogs of major experimental hardware such as the Superball, the Miniball, or any other experimental devices or subsystems.

Programmer's view of B2

Developing new "classes" is not necessary to use the B2 system for data analysis. Thanks to this "traditional side" of the Oberon language, parts of the B2 system (such as a histogramming package) can be treated like a traditional subroutine library. Existing numerical subroutines can be translated from Fortran to Oberon with very little effort (almost automatically). I developed my first Oberon program (a Monte Carlo simulation package) in parallel in Fortran and in Oberon in order to investigate whether or not both languages are equally suitable for numerical work.

B2 is hosted within an object-oriented, extensible Oberon System V4. B2 is itself en extension of this environment, and it can be extended further without any compiled-in limitations. The package is implemented in Oberon-2 programming language. It makes extensive use of type-bound procedures (Oberon-2 methods). Installable instance-bound procedures (Oberon-1 methods) are used to a limited degree, mostly in the graphical part of the system.

B2 is programmed in a type-safe way, which in practice means it is not buggy. Safe programming is far from trivial in case of software based entirely on run-time dynamic memory management. It is however natural under Oberon, where pointer variables are both strongly typed and garbage collected. An entire B2 system was programmed with high-level constructs without resorting to low-level features of the language (i.e., module SYSTEM has not been used to relax security conditions). Assertions have been extensively used to achieve run-time security of all B2 modules. Even though B2 code is exclusively high-level, it is by no means inefficient. Benchmarks showed that B2 histogramming ran faster than CERN HBOOK written in Fortran.

A unique feature of the Oberon System is its run-time extensibility. Under Oberon System all applications can be extended at run-time, while they are active. A B2 user/programmer can work on developing a particular B2 module, while other B2 modules are loaded to memory and keep processing data. No data is lost from memory between compile-link cycles. The programmer does not need to reload all spectra from disk just to change a few lines in the data-processing code.

The B2 system is open-ended. Users can extend the base system in at least two different ways: (1) by programming new "smart data structures"; and (2) by programming whole new subsystems.

1. Programming new "smart data structures" is based on inheritance. Possible new "smart structures" include new Processor types based on existing (empty) templates, enhanced histograms with experiment-specific behavior, etc. In OOP parlance smart data structures are usually termed objects.

2. Adding whole new subsystems is based on the "orthogonal design" of B2. Existing B2 subsystems depend on one another as little as possible. Adding new subsystems will not disrupt existing ones. Communication between such (future) subsystems is based on exchanging "messages" over a run-time "message communication bus" provided as a standard part of the operating environment. Only a few graphical modules make explicit use of Oberon System graphics primitives and of Oberon GUI.

B2 is structured into a few isolated parts, namely:

  1. The object management library (based on "persistent object" concept).
  2. A fast and efficient histogramming package (both one and two-dimensional spectra).
  3. Graphical histogram display.
  4. The data dispatch bus. It serves as a communication medium among Processors.
  5. Run-time extensible user interface (inherited from the host Oberon System).

The principle of reusing the code became the key to small size of the system (less than three thousand executable statements). This principle dictates that basic B2 services have been programmed only once and subsequently reused by different parts of the system thanks to polymorphism of underlying objects. The B2 object management subsystem can serve as an illustrative example of this approach. Data-analysis objects such as histograms or selection contours need to be managed in essentially similar ways. All such objects need to be grouped into various lists, to be saved to disk and read back to memory, etc. Under the object-oriented paradigm all management was programmed only once in terms of an archetypal abstract Object defined in the base module B2Base.Mod. The same code was used to manage all data analysis objects descended from the archetypal abstract one. This approach yielded code which is not only small, but also reliable, because it is tested by virtually every operation of the B2 system. In such a way, code reuse leads to code reliability.

The B2 code is thoroughly commented and formatted to promote its readibility. The code which is both small and understandable can relieve the user from the need of external support. In order to achieve that goal an effort was made to write the code of publishable quality, similar to the code published in the Oberon literature.

Authors and credits

Both the B2 code and the documentation were written by one person (myself) in a relatively short total integrated time (about two months). The development was spread over about two years due to other ongoing projects. It took me a few years to learn all the OOP techniques necessary to implement such an extensible object-oriented software framework. This work would not have been possible without generous contributions from many people:
  1. Professors J.Gutknecht and N.Wirth of ETH Zurich designed the Oberon language and the Oberon System for the Ceres computer.
  2. Their associates from ETH Zurich and from Johannes Kepler Univ. Linz ported their work to many computer platforms and made Oberon widely available.
  3. Stefan Ludwig (ETH Zurich) kindly contributed adjustable array code used in B2Base.Mod.
  4. Persistent object management code B2Base.Mod was inspired by OS.Mod by Professor H.P.Mossenboeck (Univ. Linz).
  5. Whitney DeVries contributed many helpful hints during initial stages of the project.
  6. B2 was developed within the context of my other research at University of Rochester Nuclear Chemistry group.

Oberon System books

  1. N. Wirth and M. Reiser Programming in Oberon. Steps beyond Pascal and Modula.
    Addison Wesley, 1992, ISBN 0-201-56543-9.
    Tutorial for the Oberon and Oberon-2 programming languages and concise languages reference. Covers most that you will ever need in computer programming: classical procedural style, structured programming, OOP, data structures such as lists and trees, etc. This book is an instant classic not just on Oberon programming, but programming in general.

  2. H. Moessenboeck Object-Oriented Programming in Oberon-2.
    Springer, 1993, ISBN 3-540-56411-X.
    Principles and applications of object-oriented programming with examples in the language Oberon-2. Advanced concepts such as OOP, frameworks, Model-View-Controller, and many more, are all explained in a way which can be understood.

  3. N. Wirth and J. Gutknecht Project Oberon. The Design of an Operating System and Compiler. Addison Wesley, 1992, ISBN 0-201-54428-8.
    Program listings with explanation for the whole system, including the compiler for NS32000 processor. In case you ever wondered whether operating systems have to be large, slow and buggy, here is the answer. This operating system consists of 12,000 lines of documented code (including graphical windowing system, mail and network support, and Oberon compiler).

  4. M. Reiser The Oberon System. User Guide and Programmer's Manual.
    Addison Wesley, 1991, ISBN 0-201-54422-9.
    Addison Wesley, 1992, ISBN 0-201-56543-9.
    User manual for the programming environment and reference for the standard module library. Whether you are using V4 or System-3, you need this book. It contains a valuable example of a substantial application PostIt, which can be studied as a tutorial.

B2_overview.htm, last updated Apr/27/98; edited on Nov/30/2020.
(C) Wojtek Skulski 1997-2020.